The Gift
Sep 1, 2021


I do not believe that God plans pressure points along the way for His children, like a strategist designing a board game:

At three throws he’ll get thrown out of the house. At 8 throws he’ll lose his job and everyone dear to him.
At 10 and 11 he’ll have that accident that’ll keep him bedridden for three months...

I may be wrong.

But I like to think that He may allow these things happen.

Because after all, although He designed the board game, we roll the die.

And perhaps when we land on those pressure points; perhaps He doesn’t magically make them better.

Perhaps He processes our pain, and brings something useful out of it.

So that just like out of a lion’s carcass, something as sweet as honey came—

Out of our pain, something priceless and valuable could result.




The Gift

Abba's girl. Medic. Content creator. Voice over. Living intentionally